VS Code Extension
Plan, Code, Merge, Integrate, Test and Deploy
Applications without ever leaving your VS Code IDE
Developers want to make the most of their time investment in the development process. The VS Code Extension for AutoRABIT allows developers for Salesforce applications to utilize VS Code as their IDE and still leverage their favorite development tools. AutoRABIT lets them do that.
Adding Power and Confidence to Salesforce Commits
The powerful combination of VS Code and AutoRABIT Automated Release Management delivers an intelligent front-end to the commit process. Leveraging static code analysis and other checks, only AutoRABIT provides a Pre-Validation step that gives developers the confidence that the code commits are going to conform to Salesforce environment needs.
Pre-Validation, a truly AutoRABIT Unique Capability
AutoRABIT provides a Pre-Validation step prior to the commit phase that routes the code through Salesforce-specific gate checks. Pre-Validation enables developers to: