In programming, objects appear in application programming interfaces (APIs) and URLs. Salesforce prefixes, or the first three characters of the objects, are a critical component of naming conventions for developers and administrators.
The unique prefixes provide a way to access and manipulate a specific type of data. Following the same coding and related guidelines can build consistency across your organization.
What Is a Salesforce Object Key Prefix?
Every Salesforce ID is either 15 or 18 characters long. The first three characters represent a unique code, which identifies and references a specific object within the Salesforce organization.
For example, some specific objects include Accounts, Cases, Contacts, Custom Objects, Leads, Messages, Opportunities, Orders, Processes and Surveys.
3 Benefits of Implementing Object Prefixes
Setting the same standards for your team provides a way to keep everyone on the same page. Here are some advantages of object prefixes throughout your daily operations.
1. Better Organization
Imagine having a million pieces of paper and never labeling them or putting them in folders — Salesforce provides your virtual solution with objects and prefixes. Implementing these codes works like a filing cabinet with modern advancements.
2. Streamlined Tasks
With practice, creating an object and labeling it can take a few seconds. These steps make the data in your system searchable for later reference, additions or edits.
3. Improved Privacy
You can implement privacy settings to keep your company’s data restricted to certain employees, teams or departments. If a data breach occurs, it’ll take longer for outsiders to decode and understand the information in your system.
FAQs About Salesforce ID Prefixes
Need more information about objects and prefixes? Check out these common questions and answers:
How do I find a key Salesforce prefix for an object?
Our cheat sheet is organized by the names of objects in alphabetical order. You can use the Find command or “Control+F” on your keyboard to type an object’s name and find the associated prefix.
What are some standard key Salesforce prefixes?
Overall, the most common key prefixes include:
- Account: 001
- Case: 500
- Contact: 003
- Lead: 00Q
- Opportunity: 006
What are some Salesforce activities and user prefixes?
Some activity and user prefixes are:
- Event: 00U
- Task: 00T
- User: 005
What are some other common Salesforce prefixes?
Here are some other popular prefixes:
- Dashboard: 01Z
- Pricebook: 00i
- Product: 00j
- Report: 00O
How can the object key prefixes be used in Salesforce?
The object key prefixes work like secret codes for your organization’s data. You can use the codes as keys to identify and access specific objects in Salesforce. For example, you can gather data from various sources such as Accounts, Contacts and Leads.
When I use object prefixes, are there any limitations?
The codes are specific to the object type and not individual records, so you’ll need more information to identify a unique record in your database.
Contact AutoRABIT to Learn More
If you’d like to learn more, please contact AutoRABIT for more CodeScan solutions and guidelines. Send an email to for more information today!
Salesforce Object ID Prefix List
Here’s an alphabetical overview of the Salesforce object key prefix list:
- Account: 001
- ActionChatterPost: 0K2
- ActionChatterPostRecipient: 0K3
- ActionKnowledgeSubmit: 0K0
- ActionOverrideMetrics: 0Sy
- ActionQuickCreate: 0Qc
- Activity: 007
- ActivityExtension: 829
- ActivityRecurrence: 828
- ActivityRecurrenceException: 82B
- ActivityRelation: 0RA
- Address: 130
- AccountCleanInfo: 1CA
- ActiveScratchOrg: 2AS
- AIModel: 0Lx
- AnalyticActionConfiguration: 0Lj
- ApexClassMember: 400
- ApexClassVersion: 4F0
- ApexCodeCoverage: 714
- ApexCodeCoverageAggregate: 715
- ApexComponentMember: 403
- ApexComponentVersion: 4F3
- ApexExecutionOverlayAction: 1do
- ApexOrgWideCoverage: 716
- ApexPageInfo: 4ve
- ApexPageMember: 402
- ApexPageVersion: 4F2
- ApexTestQueueItem Doc: 709
- ApexTriggerMember: 401
- ApexTriggerVersion: 4F1
- ApiLoginKey: 711
- AppExtension: 0Mg
- AppNotifTypeOrgSetting: 0MO
- Approval: 806
- AqtIncidentDetection: 0SU
- AssetCriteriaSharingRule: 70c
- AssetOwnerSharingRule: 70b
- AssetRelationship: 1AR
- AssetShare: 70a
- AssetSharingRuleFilterItem: 70d
- AssetTokenEvent: 0Li
- AssociatedLocation: 0Kt
- AssociationQueueItem: 6AA
- AsynchApexJob Doc: 707
- AsynchApexJobOptions: 754
- AsynchApiBatch-Bulk Query Batch: 751
- AsynchApiJob-Bulk Query Job: 750
- AsynchApiQueryResult-Bulk Query Result: 752
- Attachment: 00P
- AudianceMembership: 0am
- Auditable: 0QZ
- AuraDefinitionBundleInfo: 0ab
- AuraDefinitionChange: 0aD
- AuraDefinitionInfo: 0ad
- AuthProvider: 0SO
- AutoActivityCaptureMetrics: 0Lo
- AvroSchema: 0Ls
- BaseEventInterface/ DuplicateRuleJob: 0OG
- BaseSessionInterface: 0Tv
- BatchApexRelationship: 708
- BigObjects: Starts incrementing from z00
- BigObjectCounter: 0RM
- BigObjectsRecordMetrics: 0Pv
- BotSessionsMetrics: 0US
- Branch: 1br
- BranchMerge: 1bm
- BrandingSet: 0Lw
- BrandingSetProperty: 0Ly
- BuffaloMigrationManagement: 0Mu
- BuffaloOrgEstimate: 0MV
- CalendarSharing: 0P9
- Campaign: 701
- CampaignMember: 00v
- Case: 500
- CaseArticle: 0gv
- CaseExternalDocument: 1OZ
- CaseMilestone: 555
- CaseSubjectParticle: 0Oi
- Certificate: 0P1
- CertificateIp: 0P2
- ChangeList: 1cl
- ChangeListBranch: 1cb
- ChannelProgram: 0Pk
- ChannelProgramLevel: 0PI
- ChannelProgramMember: 0Pm
- ChatSession: 5CS
- ChatterActivity: 0ca
- ChatterActivityDailyMetrics: 3NZ
- ChatterAnswersActivity: 0sa
- ChatterAnswersReputationLevel: 0rs
- ChatterExtension: 0MY
- ChatterExtensionConfig: 0Ob
- ChatterExtensionInstance: 0Mb
- ChatterGroupConMetrics: 3MM
- ChatterMetrics: 3M3
- ChatterOrgWideMetrics: 3M4
- ChatterUniqueContributorDailyMetrics: 3NY
- ChatterUserNetworkMetrics: 3MN
- ChunkableEntityChunk: 202
- ChunkableEntityChunk2: 205
- ChunkableEntityTally: 201
- ChunkableTask: 200
- ChunkableTask2: 2CE
- CleanAccountBackup: 1AB
- CleanActivityLog: 0Nh
- CleanContactBackup: 1CB
- CleanEntityError: 0Nj
- CleanFactEntityClaim: 2FE
- CleanFactFieldClaim: 2FF
- CleanFieldSettingOld: 1FS
- CleanInfo: 0Ng
- CleanJobSetting: 1JS
- CleanLeadBackup: 1LB
- ClientBrowser: 713
- CloudConfiguration: 0TR
- CollaborationGroupRank: 0RC
- CommChannelLayoutItem: 0ep
- CommChannelLayoutMapping: 0eq
- CompactLayoutInfo: 4cl
- CompactLayoutItemInfo: 4ci
- ComparisonResult: 1L8
- ComparisonSummary: 1L7
- ComponentResponseCache: 0Oa
- Contact: 003
- ContactCleanInfo: 1CC
- ContainerAsynchRequest-from the Tooling API: 1dr
- ContentLogMetricsByFileType: 413
- ContentMetrics: 3MD
- ContentOrgMetrics: 0MT
- Contract: 800
- ContractLineItem: 811
- CooperSettingsMetrics: 4NA
- CopySuspension: 0Jj
- CustomAppMetrics: 0Km
- CustomFieldMember: 412
- CustomFieldVersion: 4F4
- CustomHttpHeader: 0XH
- CustomIndexDefinition: 0c0
- CustomIndexFieldDefinition: 0c1
- Custom Metadata: Starts incrementing from m00
- Custom Objects: Starts incrementing from a00
- CustomObjectUsageMetrics: 3ME
- CustomObjectUserLicenseMetrics: 3NA
- CustomPermissionDependency: 0PD
- CustomSettingNameIndex: 0RY
- Dashboard: 01Z
- DashboardComponent: 01a
- DashboardComponentColumn: 0Oe
- DashboardComponentResult: 0Of
- DataDotComCleanMetrics: 3M0
- DataDotComCleanPrefMetrics: 3NU
- DataDotComEntitySetting: 1ES
- DataDotComFieldSetting: 1EF
- DataDotComListPoolMetrics: 3MS
- DataDotComSocialMetrics: 3MB
- DataExportEventInterface: 0Qd
- DatasetExport: 0Px
- DatasetExportEvent: 0Or
- DatasetExportPart: 0Py
- DataType: 4dt
- DBCThumbnail: 11a
- DebugLevel: 7dl
- DeclarativePlatformMetrics: 3MU
- DialerMinutesMetrics: 3NC
- DigitalSignature: 1DS
- DirectMessageMemberActivity: 0Q7
- DomainProvision: 0Mz
- DomainSite: 0Jf
- DuplicateJob: 0PB
- DuplicateJobDefinition: 0PO
- DuplicateJobMatchingRule: 0PC
- DuplicateJobMatchingRuleDefinition: 0PP
- EinsteinAppAnalytics: 0QM
- EinsteinApplication: 0Pq
- EmailDomainFilter: 0T6
- EmailRelay: 26Z
- EmailTemp: 00Y
- EmailTemplate: 00X
- EmbeddedServiceBranding: 19i
- EmbeddedServiceDetail: 0Lq
- EncryptableDataProblem: 1EP
- EncryptableDataProblemChunk: 2EP
- EncryptionStatistics: 1ED
- EncryptionStatisticsChunk: 2ED
- Endorsement: 0en
- Entitlement: 550
- EntitlementTemplate: 551
- EntityBlacklist: 0eb
- EntityDefinition: 4ie
- EntityDefinitionVersion: 4F5
- EntityEventInterface: 0Qb
- EntityParticle: 0Nv
- Event: 00U
- EventAssociationItem: 6AB
- EventComments: 111
- EventDelivery: 3DS
- EventDeliveryData: 3DP
- EventDeliveryParam: 3Dp
- EventLogFileMetrics: 3MR
- EventRelation: 0RE
- EventSubscriptionHandleData: 3HP
- EventTypeDefinition: 0Pz
- EventTypeFieldDefinition: 0TJ
- ExternalCredential: 0Qo
- ExternalDataSource-Data Source for External Objects: 0XC
- ExternalDataUserAuth: 0XU
- ExtIdentityLoginMetrics: 3N1
- EventParameter: 3PS
- EventParameterData: 3PP
- EventPublication: 3Pb
- EventPublicationHandle: 3Ph
- EventPublicationParam: 3Pp
- EventReccurenceException: 10z
- EventSubscriptionData: 3SP
- EventSubscription: 3SS
- EventType/ CustomEvent: 1EV
- EventTypeParameter: 1Ep
- ExternalServiceResignation: 0Le
- ExternalString-Custom Label: 101
- FeatureLicense: 102
- FeedRead: 0Ms
- FeedReccomendationInfo: 0fr
- FeedSignal: 0QJ
- FieldDefinition: 4fe
- FieldEntityRead: 0Mp
- FieldHistory: 737
- FieldHistoryArchive: 1HA
- FieldMapping: 0O8
- FieldMappingField: 0O6
- FieldMappingRow: 0O7
- FieldServiceMobileSettings: 0Mf
- FileInspectionResult: 0ZA
- FlexiPage: 0MO
- FlexiPageComponentMetrics/ BulkDedupeJob: 0OF
- FlexiPageRegion: 0M2
- FlexiPageTypeMetrics: 0a2
- FlowCategory: 0RL
- FlowCategoryItem: 0RI
- FlowDefinition-InteractionDefinition-Visual Workflow or Flow: 300
- FlowRecordRelation: 31z
- FlowStageRelation: 31y
- FlowVariableAssignment: 0P0
- Folder: 00l
- FolderClosure: 0Rt
- ForecastingCategoryMapping: 0Jd
- ForecastingDisplayedFamily: 0Zx
- ForecastShare: 608
- ForecastingTypeToCategory: 0Jg
- FormulaFunction: 0Kn
- FormulaFunctionCategory: 0Kh
- FTestGenBodyInterface: 0QP
- FTestGenInterface: 0QO
- GitHubRepositoryLink: 1gh
- GitHubPushOperation: 1gp
- GlobalVariable: 0Ko
- Goal: 0WI
- GoalLink: 0WK
- Group: 00G
- Hashtag: 0ht
- HashtagCount: 0hc
- HashtagDefinition: 0hd
- IdeaMetrics: 3MH
- IDEPerspective: 1dp
- IDEWorkspace: 1de
- IdpEventLog: 0Yu
- Individual: 0PK
- IndividualShare: 0T5
- InstalledSubscriberPackageVersion: 0KM
- Integration: 1ci
- InteractionAllocation: 30a
- InteractionAllocator: 30A
- InteractionApexCall: 30m
- InteractionChoice: 30C
- InteractionCondition: 308
- InteractionConnector: 30L
- InteractionConstant: 30c
- InteractionCountReport: 0OD
- InteractionDataColumn: 30d
- InteractionDataOutput: 31o
- InteractionDataInput: 31i
- InteractionDataSource: 31d
- InteractionDecision: 30D
- InteractionDefinitionVersion: 301
- InteractionFieldMetaData: 31w
- InteractionFieldValue: 31V
- InteractionForm: 30F
- InteractionFormula: 30f
- InteractionLanguageMetrics: 3MI
- InteractionLayoutDetail: 310
- InteractionLayoutGroup: 30g
- InteractionLCMetrics: 0Rg
- InteractionOperand: 309
- InteractionQuestion: 30Q
- InteractionReference: 30R
- InteractionResource: 30r
- InteractionScreenFieldParam: 307
- InteractionStage: 31x
- InteractionStatement: 30S
- InteractionSwitch: 31S
- InteractionTodo: 30t
- InteractionTransIMetrics: 3Mt
- InteractionValueList: 30v
- InteractionValueListEntry: 31v
- InteractionVariable: 30V
- InteractionWait: 30W
- InteractionWaitEvent: 30e
- InteractionWaitEventParam: 30p
- INVOICE: 803
- JobTracker: 0JT
- KeywordList: 0LM
- KnowledgeableUser: 0in
- Layout-Page Layout: 00h
- LayoutSectionState: 0MN
- LbpmMetrics: 0Ua
- Lead: 00Q
- LeadCleanInfo: 1CL
- LeadConvertMapping: 7Eq
- LicensedCustomPermission: 0Lc
- LicenseDefinition: 0Ld
- LicenseManagementOrgCertificate: 9yz
- LightningBolt: 0RX
- LightningBoltFeature: 0Rv
- LightningBoltImage: 0Ru
- LightningBoltItem: 0Rr
- LightningComponentBundle: 0Rb
- LightningComponentMetrics: 3NW
- LightningComponentResource: 0Rd
- LightningComponentTag: 7Er
- LightningExperienceTheme: 0S1
- LightningServiceMetrics: 4NC
- LightningToggleMetrics: 1o1
- LightningUsageByAppTypeMetrics: 62C
- LightningUsageByBrowserMetrics: 3mK
- LightningUsageByFlexiPageMetrics: 7pV
- LightningUsageByPageMetrics: 0U5
- LinkedArticle: 1WK
- LinkedInLeadGen: 7Eh
- LinkedInLeadGenAdAccount: 0Rp
- LinkedInLeadGenConfig: 0Ri
- LinkedInLeadGenToken: 0Rf
- ListEmail: 0XB
- ListEmailRecipientSource: 0XD
- ListEmailSentResult: 0XE
- ListView/View: 00B
- LiveChatBlockingRule: 0No
- LiveChatButton: 573
- LiveChatDeployment: 572
- LiveChatTranscript: 570
- LiveChatVisitor: 571
- Location: 131
- LoginEvent: 1HB
- LoginFlow: 0Kq
- LoginHistory: 0Ya
- LoginIp: 710
- LoginIpEmail: 712
- Macro: 0JZ
- MacroAction: 0JY
- MacroInstruction: 0Ji
- MailAssociationItem: 6AC
- MaintenanceAsset: 1MA
- MaintenancePlan: 1MP
- ManagedTopicLocation: 0mt
- MatchingRuleJob: 0OI
- MenuItem: 1S1
- MessagingChannel: 0Mj
- MessagingEndUser: 0PA
- MessagingSession: 0Mw
- MetadataChangeTemplate: 700
- MetadataComponentDependency: 0Tj
- MetadataContainer-from the Tooling AP: 1dc
- MetadataContainerMember: 0PZ
- MetadataContainerMemberWithBinaryBody: 0Sa
- MetadataContainerMemberWithBody: 0QY
- MetadataContainerMemberWithSymbolTable: 0QT
- MetadataRevisionTemplate: 1mr
- MetaMindConnection: 1MC
- Metric: 0WJ
- MetricsDataFile: 0MR
- MetricsDataLink: 0WM
- MilestoneType: 557
- ModerationRule: 0LJ
- MultiCurrency: 0QV
- Nameable: 0Qz
- NamedCredential: 0XA
- NamespaceRegistry: 1NR
- NavigationLinkSet: 0Lm
- NavigationMenuItem: 0Mi
- NetworkAffinity: 0OV
- NetworkCustomerDailyLoginMetrics: 4M5
- NetworkCustomerLoginMetrics: 3M5
- NetworkPartnerLoginMetrics: 3M6
- NetworkPartnerDailyLoginMetrics: 4M6
- NetworkPCustDailyLoginMetrics: 4NW
- NetworkPowerCustomerLoginMetrics: 3NW
- Note: 002
- OauthConsumerAsset: 889
- OauthConsumer-Remote Access: 888
- OauthConsumerScope: 0cs
- ObjectPermissions Doc: 110
- OperatingHours: 0OH
- Opportunity: 006
- OpportunityLineItem: 00k
- OpportunityMetrics: 3MC
- OpportunitySplitMetrics: 3NO
- OpportunitySplitType: 149
- OpptyAndPricingMetrics: 3MK
- Order: 801
- OrderItem: 802
- Organization: 00D
- OrganizationValue: 80D
- OrgDeleteRequest: 0dr
- OrgLifecycleNotifcation: 0OL
- OrgObjectsMetrics: 3M1
- OrgStandardObjectsMetrics: 3M2
- OutgoingEmail: 0Q1
- OutgoingEmailRelation: 0Q3
- Package2UpgradeExport: 4Wz
- PackageDateValue: 9DV
- PackageIntegerValue: 9NV
- PackageVersionInstallRequestError: 0Pt
- PackageVersionUninstallRequestError: 0Pu
- ParallelJobItemData: 0PF
- ParallelJobStatus: 0Ys
- PartitionLevelMember: 1pm
- PartitionLevelScheme: 1ps
- PartitionStatus: 6pS
- Partner: 00I
- PartnerFundAllocation: 0R8
- PartnerFundClaim: 0RB
- PartnerFundRequest: 0RJ
- PathAssistant: 1CP
- PathAssistantStepInfo: 1CF
- PathAssistantStepItem: 1CS
- Payment: 805
- PendingChange: 4A0
- PendingChangeContainer: 0Oq
- PermissionSetAssignment: 0Pa
- PermissionSetLicense: 0PL
- PermissionSetLicenseAssign: 2LA
- PermissionSetLicenseMetrics: 3MJ
- PermissionSetMetricsByOrg: 3MA
- PermissionSet-Permission set metadata: 0PS
- PersonAccountMetrics: 1Mc
- PersonalizationResource: 2hf
- PersonalizedUnswdQuestion: 0Rx
- Photo: 729
- PicklistValueInfo: 4pv
- PinnedEntity: 0QK
- PLAN: 604
- PlatformAction: 0JV
- PlatformActionList: 0Jn
- PlatformActionListItem: 0Jo
- Platform Events: Starts incrementing from e00
- PlatformEventMetric: 1HC
- PlatformOrgObjectMetrics: 3MW
- PlinyPhysicalDeleteJob: 0RZ
- PostArchivalDeletionRequest: 0NN
- PredictionConfig: 0Pq
- PredictionField: 0Pr
- PresenceConfigDeclineReason: 0KP
- PresenceDeclineReason: 0KR
- PresenceUserConfig: 0Nd
- PresenceUserConfigProfile: 0Nf
- PresenceUserConfigUser: 0Ne
- Pricebook: 00i
- Pricebook2: 01s
- ProcessInstanceNode: 0OO
- ProcessMetrics: 3MT
- ProcessNodeSecurity: 0ns
- ProcessPlugin: 30X
- ProcessPluginParameter: 3PX
- ProcessTimeQueue: 0PQ
- ProcessTransitionSecurity: 0ts
- ProdDbHammerRequest: 0TH
- PRODUCT: 604
- Product: 00j
- Product2: 01t
- ProductRequest: 0TS
- ProductRequestLineItem: 0Tw
- ProductTransfer: 0Lu
- Profile: 00e
- ProfileClientSettings: 0e1
- ProfilelpRestrictionMetrics: 3J5
- ProfileSkill: 0Sk
- ProfileSkillEndorsement: 0SE
- ProfileSkillUser: 0SM
- ProposedEventResponse: 113
- ProposedEventTime: 112
- Publisher: 4pb
- PushBackDefinition: 0Ps
- PushUpgradeExcludedOrg: 0PX
- Question: 906
- QuestionReportAbuse: 911
- QuestionSubscription: 910
- QueueRoutingConfig: 0K9
- QuickActionMetrics: 3MO
- QuickText: 574
- QuoteDock: 0Q0
- QuoteDocument: 0QD
- QuoteLineItem: 0QL
- QuoteTemplateRichTextData: 0QR
- RateLimitIntBuckets: 0Yq
- ReadOnlyClientBrowser: 0Jp
- ReadOnlyLoginIp: 0Jl
- ReadOnlyLoginIpEmail: 0Jm
- ReadOnlyOauthToken: 0Ja
- ReadOnlyOauthTokenScope: 0Jb
- ReadOnlySecurityToken: 0Jk
- RecalcCampaignStats: 0LD
- RecommendationDefinition: 0RD
- RecordUserAcessInterface: 0Qj
- RegisteredExternalService: 1uu
- RelationshipDomain: 0Jv
- RelationshipInfo: 0Ju
- RemoteProxy-Remote Site Setting to allow access to an external URL: 0rp
- Reply: 907
- ReplyReportAbuse: 912
- Report: 00O
- ReportInstance: 0LG
- ReportInstanceCsvResult: 0SV
- ReportInstanceQuery: 0KZ
- Repository: 1rp
- ReputationLevel: 0NU
- ReputationPointsRule: 0NV
- ResetAsynchRequest: 1rr
- ResourcePreference: OKz
- ReturnOrder: 2oN
- ReturnOrderLineItem: 0Sn
- RuleTerritory2Association: 0N4
- S2XAdminError: 0NK
- S2XEventRecordMap: 825
- S2XGoogleServiceAccount: 7tg
- S2XPushSubscription: 0S2
- S2XRecordMap: 820
- S2XServiceAccount: 823
- S2XTransaction: 817
- S2XTransactionLock: 824
- S2XUserMap: 822
- SalesforcelqUser: 0XR
- SamISsoConfig: 0LE
- SampledEntity: 0K6
- SamplingStrategy: 0K4
- SandboxObserver: 0M9
- SandboxObserver2: 0Ma
- SandboxOrgDimensionMetrics: 3NS
- SandOmBulkExport: 0Qp
- SandOmExportedBlob: 0RH
- ScheduledReccomendation: 0sr
- ScorecardAssociation: 0Qn
- ScorecardMetric: 0Om
- ScratchOrgInfo: 2SR
- SCSInboundSettings: 0Jq
- SearchLayout: 4co
- SearchPromotionRule: 0MD
- SearchQuerySuggestion: 0NM
- SecureAgent: 0NB
- SecureAgentPlugin: 0ND
- SecureAgentPluginProperty: 0NE
- SecureAgentsCluster: 0Qy
- SecurityHealthCheckRisks: 0KO
- SegmentSpace: 5Sp
- SegmentSpaceChunk: 6SS
- SendEmailActionDefinition: 0ZQ
- Service: 4sr
- ServiceChannel: 0N9
- ServiceChannelStatus: 0NC
- ServiceContract: 810
- ServiceCrew: 1cr
- ServiceCrewMember: 1cm
- ServiceDataType: 4st
- ServiceFieldDataType: 4ft
- ServicePresenceStatus: 0N5
- ServiceProvider: 0sp
- ServiceReport: 1SR
- ServiceReportLayout: 0SL
- ServiceTerriortyLocation: 1SI
- ServiceVersion: 4sv
- SessionLevelPolicy: 0ME
- SessionPermSetActivation: 5Pa
- SetupAssistantAnswer: 0LO
- SetupAudittrail: 0Ym
- SetupCustomNode: 0JX
- SetupFlowProgress: 0T0
- SetupNode: 0JW
- SfdcPartner: 204
- SharedPicklistDefinition: 0Nt
- ShareInterface: 0QU
- SharingMetrics: 3MG
- SharingRowCauseMetrics: 3ME
- Sharing Rule: 02c
- SharingUserMetrics: 3MV
- Shipment: 0OB
- SignupRequest: 0SR
- SkinnyIndex: 0Js
- SkinnyIndexColumn: 0Jt
- SlaProcess: 552
- SocialKeyEntityErrorLog: 0LI
- SocialKeyJobLog: 0LH
- SocialKeyParentRecord: 0M3
- SocialKeyPersonaRecord: 0M4
- SocialPersona: 0SP
- SocialPost: 0ST
- SocialUserAuth: 0M1
- SoftDeletable: 0Qi
- Solution: 501
- SOSDeployment: 0NW
- SOSSessionActivity: 0NZ
- SOSSession-SOS video calls: 0NX
- SourceChangeNotification: 0Xv
- SourceMember: 0MZ
- SqlIdToRequestMap: 0KG
- SsoUserMapping: 0UM
- StagingArea: 1sa
- Stamp: 1ST
- StampAssignment: 1SA
- StandardAction: 0Jy
- StandardReportType: 0NL
- StandardValueSet: 0KY
- StorageConfigAuditTrail: 0K7
- StorageSizeJob: 0LN
- StreamingChannel: 0M6
- Subinteraction: 31A
- SubinteractionVariableAssignment: 31C
- SubscriberTabSetMember: 0OE
- SupportOrgWideMetrics: 4NB
- Survey: 0Kd
- SurveyEmailBranding: 0Ka
- SurveyInvitation: 0Ki
- SurveyPage: 0Ke
- SurveyQuestion: 0Ku
- SurveyQuestionChoice: 0Kc
- SurveyQuestionResponse: 0Kr
- SurveyResponse: 0My
- SurveyVersion: 0Ks
- SyncTransactionLog: 0Kb
- SynonymDictionary: 0MF
- SystemStreamingChannel: 0MJ
- TabDefinition: 0KD
- TagDefinition: 0t0
- Task: 00T
- TaskAssociationItem: 6AD
- TaskReccurenceException: 10y
- TaskRelation: 0RT
- TempStore: 753
- TenantAddOnLicense: 0L5
- TenantEditionLicense: 0L4
- TenantLicensingRequest: 0LC
- TenantPlatformLicense: 0L2
- TenantUsageEntitlement: 0UT
- TenantUserLicense: 0L3
- Territory2: 0MI
- Territory2Model: 0MA
- Territory2Type: 0M5
- ThirdPartyAccountLink: 0Jr
- TimeSheet: 1ts
- TimeSheetEntry: 1te
- TodayGoal: 0Jz
- Topic: 0TO
- TopicComputeStatus: 0ta
- TopicDataCategoryRule: 0Rh
- TopicGroupActivity: 0tg
- TopicIndex: 0TI
- TopicNameChange: 0tn
- TopicOntology: 0TY
- TopicRecordSetting: 0tR
- TopicSuggestionSetting: 0tS
- TopicTerm: 0Tt
- TopicUserActivity: 0tu
- TopicUserEvent: 0te
- TraceFlag: 7tf
- TransactionSecurityCondition: 0OC
- TransactionSecurityEventInterface: 0Qg
- TransactionSecurityProperty: 0NI
- TransitionMessage: 0MH
- TrendingTopic: 0tr
- Trialforce Template: 0TT
- TwoFactorMethodsInfo: 0Kg
- TwoFactorMethodsInfoLocal: 0Kp
- TwoFactorMetrics: 3NV
- TwoFactorU2F: 0O1
- UiPlugin: 0R2
- UiStyle: 777
- User: 005
- UserAppMenuCustomization: 0Nw
- UserConfigTransferButton: 0KB
- UserConfigTransferSkill: 0KA
- UserCriteria: 0LV
- UserCriteriaSharingRule: 0N1
- UserCustumBadge: 0MQ
- UserDimMetrics: 3MI
- UserFavorite: 0MV
- UserFeedChannel: 0Lf
- UserFieldAccess: 4fp
- UserLicense: 100
- UserListPreference: 0ka
- UserListView: 0Na
- UserListViewCriterion: 0JU
- UserLogin: 0Yw
- UserMembershipSharingRule: 0N0
- UserMetrics: 0Q5
- UserNavItem: 0Qk
- UserPermissionAccess: 0up
- UserPreference: 03u
- UserProvAccount: 0Ni
- UserProvisioningConfig: 0Je
- UserRecSummary: 0ur
- UserRole: 00E
- UserServicePresence: 0R1
- UserSetupAppInfo: 0Lg
- UserShare: 0N2
- UserSharingRuleFilterItem: 0N3
- UserTerritory2Association: 0R0
- UtilityBarMetrics: 4ND
- ValidationRuleInfo: 0Ts
- ValidationRuleMember: 405
- VerificationHistory: 0Qt
- VersionedContentEntity: 1vc
- VisualforceAccessMetrics: 0OP
- VisualforceMetrics: 3MQ
- WaveAssessEvent: 0TN
- WaveCompatibilityCheckItem: 0OZ
- WebServiceDefinition: 4ws
- WindowsPushApplicationSetup: 0Mk
- WorkAcess: 0W5
- WorkBadgeDefinition: 0W1
- WorkCoaching: 0WD
- WorkFeedback: 0WB
- WorkFeedbackRequest: 0WC
- WorkFeedbackTemplate: 0WL
- WorkflowAlertMember: 408
- WorkflowFieldUpdateMember: 406
- WorkflowOutboundMessageMember: 410
- WorkflowRuleMember: 404
- WorkflowTaskMember: 407
- WorkGoal: 0WE
- WorkGoalCollaborator: 0WF
- WorkGoalLink: 0WG
- WorkOrder: 0WO
- WorkOrderLineItem: 1WL
- WorkPerformanceCycle: 0W7
- WorkReward: 0W3
- WorkRewardFund: 0W4
- WorkRewardFundType: 0WH
- WorkSkillRoutingAttribute: 0Xb
- WorkThanks: 0W0
- WsdlDataType: 4wt
- XCleanBulkJob: 0Np
- XCleanMatchRateMetrics: 0MK
- XinstanceInfo: 0O0