In today’s world, quality and security can’t be separated – It’s never been more critical to have a secure and compliant development environment, development process, and clean, high-quality code. The recent SolarWinds, CodeCov and Microsoft® Exchange™ hacks highlight the potential for code and development flaws to result in a business-critical crisis.
Nowhere is this more true than in Salesforce environments. Not only is sensitive data pervasive within Salesforce, but there is also significant operational risk. Compliance and security failures, poorly written code, built-up technical debt, accumulated accidental overwrites or errors, management mistakes, failure to properly handle data, Metadata, and files are critical risks that have their origins in development. What’s more, any one of these problems can take down your whole Salesforce production environment or destroy critical account and business information.
What’s needed is an approach that “builds in” quality, security, and compliance from the first line of code written to deployment into production specifically made for Salesforce. AutoRABIT’s DevSecOps platform already supports these needs with AutoRABIT ARM and AutoRABIT Vault.
Now we add CodeScan for an even stronger DevSecOps for Salesforce solution. CodeScan is already integrated with the AutoRABIT Platform and delivers total visibility into code health with the most comprehensive insights for Salesforce languages and Metadata. With CodeScan, development organizations can more quickly create high-quality code for new features, evaluate and reduce outstanding technical debt, as well as define and deliver to industry standards. But that’s not the whole story.
CodeScan delivers these capabilities throughout the DevSecOps lifecycle, all orchestrated by AutoRABIT ARM.
CODE: CodeScan helps developers write higher quality, more secure code
With CodeScan’s Integrated Development Environment (IDE) editor plugins, developers get real-time feedback on their code’s quality and security as they write (and never misplace another colon symbol!). With CodeScan’s security rules aligned with CWE, OWASP, and SANS standards, not only will developers write higher quality code faster, that code will also be better at supporting security and compliance requirements
BUILD: CodeScan supports high-quality builds.
Code reviews go faster since code has already been through a standard set of quality and security checks. Reviewers can concentrate on architecture, implementation, fit-for-purpose, and delivery to Story and Epic, rather than spending time looking for fundamental issues. Even get increased visibility into code health during the development process with high-level analysis, dashboards, and reports.
Easily prepare for merges, with CodeScan’s view into conflicts with the base branch.
TEST: CodeScan reduces the load on Test and QA
Test and QA get through their cycles faster, and with better concentration on unit tests and regressions, instead of frequently going back to developers with problems caused by minor coding errors or security problems.
DEPLOY: CodeScan rechecks the code set before Deployment
Sanity check the build before deployment and release to production to identify any problems that may have crept in during final changes and updates.
MAINTAIN: Identify, reduce and maintain technical debt
Technical debt can result in problems with releasing new features, managing your Salesforce instance, and maintaining customizations and features. It’s not uncommon for legacy Salesforce code bases to have thousands of issues that need correction.
With CodeScan, find technical debt and put in place plans to remediate and correct problems over time by classifying and prioritizing work to remove vulnerabilities and coding errors.
Welcome to the new AutoRABIT DevSecOps Platform – Now even stronger with CodeScan.